Crop & Hail Insurance
Multi-Peril & Hail
It seems that now, more than ever, weather is unpredictable. Crop Insurance can provide you with protection for your investment and hard work. Call us to see how you can benefit from this protection.
If farming is your livelihood, you’re likely aware that a commercial insurance policy or a farm insurance policy doesn’t cover your crops. To safeguard your harvest against unavoidable crop loss or to get revenue protection from market fluctuations, you will need crop insurance.
Our crop agents develop customized strategies to protect Farmers. We help you select the right product choices that range from: individual production, revenue protection plans to protection based on county yields and prices.
If you’d like to look into crop insurance for your farm, give us a call so you can rest easy this growing season.


Rod Kronk
Owner/ Agent
Phone: (740) 852-2266
Fax: (740) 852-9050
Rod grew up in the Insurance and Farming Industry. He is a graduate of Madison-Plains High School and Bowling Green State University, where he graduated Cum Laude in Insurance/Finance. Following graduation, Rod worked at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. He joined his father’s insurance agency in 1994. Rod has been active in the Madison County community. He has coached youth soccer and baseball, and has served on Boards of the London Public Library, London Area Baseball Council, Madison Health and his church.

Brittany Zerkle, C.I.S.R.
Licensed Agent, specializing in Property and Casualty
Phone: (740) 852-2266
Fax: (740) 852-9050
Brittany obtained her insurance license in 2006 and specializes in Property & Casualty lines. She has been a Madison County resident for most of her life and resides here with her husband and their three children. Brittany is a graduate of Madison Plains High School and Cedarville University. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and practicing photography.

Grant Zerkle
Licensed Agent, specializing in Farm, Crop & Hail
Phone: (740) 852-2266
Fax: (740) 852-9050
Grant grew up on a family farm in southern Madison County. He is a graduate of Madison-Plains High School and Cedarville University. Grant joined the agency in 2022 and is available to help with Farm, Crop, Property and Casualty coverage. When away from the office, he enjoys following Ohio State sports, spending time with his wife and three children, and doing various activities on the farm.
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